F. Brett Cox
December 2022: The Norwich Record has published excerpts from my chat about all things AI with Martha Wells at the Norwich University Military Writers Symposium on 10/12/22. There's also a video.
My story "Up the Steps" has made Tor.com's list of must-read speculative short fiction for November 2022. My thanks to Alex Brown for the kind words (scroll down on the Tor page to read).
(Link to the short story below)
From the Boston Book Festival: JoAnn Cox, Paul Tremblay, and me on Shirley Jackson and the Shirley Jackson Awards.
My latest short story, "Up the Steps", is published on dailysciencefiction.com
My short takes on five books that influenced my own writing.
July, 2022
Podcast: I chat about all things Zelazny with Daniel Moran at the New Books Network.
June, 2022
My book on Roger Zelazny is a finalist for the 2022 Locus Award, taking 2nd place in the Nonfiction category. Congratulations to all the finalists and to the winner, Dangerous Visions and New Worlds: Radical Science Fiction, 1950-1985, Andrew Nette & Iain McIntyre, eds. (PM Press, 2022). The Locus Awards are presented to winners of Locus Magazine's annual readers' poll, which was established in the early '70s specifically to provide recommendations and suggestions to Hugo Awards voters.
May, 2022
Happy to announce that my poem Early Spring has been published at The Celestal Review.
My article sometimes a short page/is better than a volume: The Science Fiction Short Stories of Sonya Dorman is in Portable Storage 7 on eFanzines.com
DickHeads Podcast #42 - I discuss the novel Deus Irae, Roger Zelazny’s collaboration with Philip K. Dick, with people who know much more about PKD than I do.
My story "Mary of the New Dispensation" (included in The End of All Our Exploring) is now available as a separate ebook as part of the "Paul Di FIlippo Presents" series.